SS-FM Honor Pin
Allgemeine SS, Deschler & Sohn, ss, SS Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptambt, SS-FM
Very rare silver SS FM (Förderndes Mitglied) Honor pin (FM Silberne Ehrennadel) for supporting members (sponsors) of the SS (Schutzstaffel) who already supported the SS in the “Kampfzeit”, so before 1933.
In the center are the typical SS runes with a swastika in the background and framed by the letters FM. Around the oval symbol are the words “DANK DER SS FÜR TREUE / HILFE I.D. KAMPFZEIT” enclosed by six oak leaves. On the back is an S with an original number (only 3 digits !!!) that has been deeply erased, and the new number 41614 which was added later. Furthermore, there is a silver hallmark 935 and SILVER. In addition, with a total Stamped DusM which stands for the maker Deschler & Sohn from Munich 9. Zustand Mint mit Sehr Schöne patina. Extrem Selten